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Endocrynology, English Division 6-year program

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 Information for students of English Division – 6 year program

Department of Internal Diseases and   Endocrinology


e-mail :

phone: 48 22 599-29-75 / 599-26-75

Head of the Department:              Urszula Ambroziak  MD PhD

Circular affairs:                              Michał Popow MD PhD


Teaching hours: 8:30 am – 2:00 pm

The course covers 28 hours divided as follows:

            Seminars - 16 hrs

            Practical classes -10 hrs

            Lectures – 2 hrs

Duration of the course:  1 week

Lectures :

The patient with a hyperthyroidism – Prof. Tomasz Bednarczuk MD PhD

Pituitary tumors - Janusz Pachucki MD PhD


Aim of the course:

The aim of training is to prepare medical students to have basic   knowledge of common endocrine disorders and work as general practitioners. The students are   taught to select patients which should be diagnosed and treated in reference centers ( i.e University Hospitals).  Information  about recent advances in endocrinology is also presented.

Organization of classes:

Classes at the Department of Internal Diseases and   Endocrinology start on Monday at 8.30 am.

Seminar Room is located on the 7th fl, section B, bdg D of the Central Teaching Hospital of the Medical University of Warsaw , Banacha 1a st.

Students are obliged to bring with them white coat and stethoscope  and, preferably, comfortable indoor shoes.

It is recommended to familiarize with the program  before attending.

The topics of seminars are listed below:


Pituitary pathophysiology and hypopituitarism – Prof. Ewa Bar-Andziak MD PhD

Thyroid tumors – Piotr Miśkiewicz MD PhD


Adrenal insufficiency and Adrenal tumors – Prof. Ewa Bar-Andziak MD PhD

Neuroendocrine tumors – Prof. Tomasz Bednarczuk MD PhD


Thyroid storm, acute adrenal insufficiency and hypercalcemic crisis– Marek Czarkowski MD PhD

Diseases of parathyroid glands – Michał Popow MD PhD


Cushing syndrome – Marek Rosłon MD PhD

Immunoassays in endocrinology – from theory to practice – Zbigniew Bartoszewicz MD PhD


Practical classes:

Students are  expected to have knowledge of standards of patient interview and physical examination. Students will be helped in communication with patients. After completion of examination cases will be discussed in the interactive mode.


Assessment of students performance:

On completion of the course  students are expected to pass oral and written colloquium.

The test will be composed of questions based on  information  provided in  seminars and during practical classes. Minimum 60% of correct answers are indispensable  to pass the written test.

Attendance of all the seminars ,  classes, and final test  is obligatory to  receive credit.


Basic textbooks:

Basic & Clinical Endocrinology ed FS Greenspan, DG Gardner 8th ed Mc Graw Hill 2007

Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 17th ed Mc Graw Hill 2008